Wu Yinan

Wu Yinan  

Name: Yinan Wu

Sex: Male

Department: Institute of Robotics and Automatic Information System, College of Artificial Intelligence, Nankai University

Title: Assistant Researcher

Degree: PhD

Major: Control Theory and Control Engineering

Email: wuyn@nankai.edu.cn

Research interests: micro-biomimetic robots, micro-nano manipulating robots, control of intelligent drives

Personal profile
Social work

[Personal profile]

2009.9-2013.7 School of Information Technology Science, Nankai University, Bachelor in Intelligent Science and Technology,

2013.9-2018.7 School of Computer and Control Engineering, Nankai University, PhD in Control Science and Engineering

2018.7-2019.2 China Automotive Technology & Research Center Co. Ltd, Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Algorithm Engineer

2019.02-present College of Artificial Intelligence, Nankai University, Assistant Researcher, Postdoctoral Fellow


1.Dr. Wu hosted a project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and participated in two key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

2.Dr. Wu published more than 20 SCI/EI papers as the first author or the corresponding author.


1.Dr. Wu was selected in the ``Discipline Revitalization Plan” of the College of Artificial Intelligence, Nankai University.

2.As the first author, Dr. Wu won the Best Student Paper Finalist Award of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on 3M-NANO.

3.As the corresponding author, Dr. Wu instructed undergraduates to win the Best Application Paper Finalist Award of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on 3M-NANO.


1.Y. Wu, Z. Fan, Y. Fang, C. Liu, An intelligent AFM scanning strategy based on autonomous exploration, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2021, Doi: 10.1109/TMECH.2021.3098223.

2.Y. Wu, Y. Fang, Z. Fan, C. Liu, Accurate morphology characterization using atomic force microscopy via vertical drift correction and illusory slope elimination, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2021, Acceptd.

3.Y. Wu, Y. Fang, C. Wang, Z. Fan, C. Liu, An optimized scanning based AFM fast imaging method, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2020, 25(2): 535-546.

4.Y. Wu, Y. Fang, C. Liu, Z. Fan, C. Wang, Gated recurrent unit based frequency-dependent hysteresis modeling and end-to-end compensation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2020, 136, 106501.

5.Y. Wu, Y. Fang, C. Wang, C. Liu, Z. Fan, A high-speed atomic force microscopy with super resolution based on path planning scanning, Ultramicroscopy, 2020, 213: 112991.     

6.Y. Wu, Z. Fan, Y. Fang, C. Liu, An effective correction method for AFM image distortion due to hysteresis and thermal drift, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 70: 1-12.

7.Y. Wu, Y. Fang, Z. Fan, C. Liu, A novel frequency-dependent hysteresis model based on improved neural Turing machine, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2021, Doi: 10.1007/s11432-020-3157-5.

8.Y. Wu, Y. Fang, Z. Fan, C. Wang, C. Liu, An automated vertical drift correction algorithm for AFM images based on morphology prediction, Micron, 2021, 140: 102950.  

9.Y. Wu, Y. Fang, X. Ren, H. Lu, A wavelet-based AFM fast imaging method with self-tuning scanning frequency, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2017, 16(6): 1088-1098.  

10.Y. Wu, Y. Fang, X. Ren, A high-efficiency Kalman filtering imaging mode for an atomic force microscopy with hysteresis modeling and compensation, Mechatronics, 2018, 50: 69-77.

[Social work]

1.Member of the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation Frontiers in Neurorobotics, Review Editor

2.2019 International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO), Session Chair

3.2021 International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Control and Robotics (EECR), Technical Committee, Session Chair