Liu Lei

Liu Lei

Name: Liu Lei

Gender: Male

Department: Institute of Machine Intelligence, Nankai University

Title: Experimenter

Education: PHD

Major: Software Engineering

Office Tel.: 


Research interests: artificial intelligence engineering, software engineering, software testing and intelligent detection, intelligent medical treatment

Personal profile
Writing papers
Lecture course
Social Appointments

[Personal profile]

Liu Lei, male, is an experimentalist at the Experimental Teaching Center in College of Artificial Intelligence of Nankai University. I received my Ph.D. in Software Engineering from Nankai University. My main research interests include intelligent detection, 3D virtual face generation, intelligent medical treatment, etc. I have published more than ten academic journal or conference research papers in IJSEKE, COMPSAC, ICIP, ICEI, ICCC, and etc.. In 2019, I won the Silver Award of Young Teachers' Experimental Equipment Maker Design Competition organized by Ministry of Education. I also presided over and participated in 2 self-made experimental equipment projects of Nankai University, and participated in multiple scientific research projects, as well as joint projects with well-known high-tech enterprises such as Huawei and Baidu Co..



[1]  An Approach, Device and System of Hidden Web URL Extraction. NO: CN103268361A. 2013-08. (Under Substantive Examination: Joint Application of Baidu Online Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Nankai University)

[2]  A SGM-SQL Injection Model Driven Web Application SQLIV Penetration Test Approach. NO: CN102136051A. 2013-02. 

[3]  A XSS Evulation Approach Based on Genetic Algorithm. NO: CN101894237A. 2012-05.



[1]  An Interactive Web URL Extraction System Based on JavaScript Engine. NO: 2012SR111010. 2012-11-20.

[2]  Automatic Web UI Evaluation System. NO: 2012SR111001. 2012-11-20.

[3]  Automatic Web Application Vulnerability Evaluation System. NO: 2010SR066079. 2012-12-7.

[Writing papers]


[1] Lei Liu, Guoxin Su and Jing Xu, et al. An Inferential Metamorphic Testing Approach to Eliminating False Positives in SQLIV Penetration Test [C]. Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2017), 2017 IEEE 41th Annual, July 4-8. (CCF/NUS Rank 3, EI)

[2] Lei Liu, Jing Xu, and Hongji Yang, et al. An Effective Penetration Test Approach Based on Feature Matrix for Exposing SQL Injection Vulnerability[C]. Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2016), 2016 IEEE 40th Annual. IEEE, 2016, 1: 123-132. (CCF/NUS Rank 3, EI)

[3] Lei Liu, Jing Xu, Minglei Li, Jufeng Yang. A Dynamic SQL Injection Vulnerability Test Case Generation Model Based on the Multiple Phases Detection Approach[C]. Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2013), 2013 IEEE 37th Annual. IEEE, 2013: 256-261. (CCF/NUS Rank 3, EI)

[4] Lei Liu, Jing Xu, and Chenkai Guo, et al. Exposing SQL Injection Vulnerability through Penetration Test Based on Finite State Machine[C]. Computer and Communications (ICCC 2016), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2016.10. (EI)

[5] Lei Liu, Jing Xu and Chenkai Guo, et al. A SQL Injection Vulnerability Penetration Test Approach Based on Response-Driven Attacking Model [C]. The 7th Proceedings of 2017 International Workshop Conference on Computer and Engineering (WCSE 2017), June 25-27. (EI)

[6] Peng Li, Lei Liu, Jing Xu and Hongji Yang, et al. Application of Markov Model in SQL Injection Detection[C]. Workshop of Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2017), 2017 IEEE 41th Annual, July 4-8. (WorkShop of CCF/NUS Rank 3, EI)

[7] Sihan Xu, Chenkai Guo, Lei Liu and Jing Xu. A Log-linear Probabilistic Model for Prioritizing Extract Method Refactorings[C]. Computer and Communications (ICCC 2017), 2017 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2017. (EI)

[8] Chenkai Guo, Jing Xu, Lei Liu and Sihan Xu. MalDetector-Using Permission Combinations to Evaluate Malicious Features of Android App[C]. Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS 2015), 2015 6th IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2015: 157-160. (EI)

[9] Chenkai Guo, Jing Xu, Lei Liu and Sihan Xu. Using Association Statistics to Rank Risk of Android Application[C]. Computer and Communications (ICCC 2015), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2015: 6-10. (EI)

[10] Wei Tian, Jing Xu, Jufeng Yang, Ying Zhang, Lei Liu. Model driven penetration test of the SQL injection in Web applications[J]. High Technology Letters, 2012, 22(11): 1161~1168. (EI)

[Lecture course]

High - level language programming (Experiment), Computer Composition Principle (Theory & Experiment)

[Social Appointments]